Photography Project

This purpose of this project was to experiment with photography in dark room environment with limited lighting. I wanted to demonstrate that Backlight and Spotlight techniques can still be achieved even without a studio room or professional quality lighting and camera. I used Nikon D5000 as my camera, some ikea lamps, and took photos in my bedroom.

Date Completed: October 2014

This image was taken with Nikon D5000 at 32mm, ISO 400, with aperture at f 5.3 , and shutter speed at 1/80 s. I used myself as the subject and set the light behind me to produce backlight effect. Once I was in position, I took a photo of myself with a remote. The image was enhanced with added contrast using Photoshop.

This image was taken with the Nikon D5000 at 26mm, ISO 400, with aperture at f 5, and shutter speed at 1/50 s. I pointed the light to the subject’s right side to produce split light effect and had the subject splash water on his face to imitate sweat to make the image more dramatic. The image was enhanced with added contrast using Photoshop.